Friday, April 30, 2010

SB 1070 Arizona's Bill to Enforce Immigration Laws

Recently, there has been huge debate as to whether there Utah should enact a similar bill to SB 1070. Everyone seems to have an opinion, but few have actually read the bill. Proponents say the bill simply just enacts Federal Laws already in place to be utilized at the state level. People whom oppose the bill say that it violates Federal laws by requiring people to carry birth certificates and documentation just in case they are asked if they are legal.

While many are forming opinions based on what they see and read in the news, etc. We are giving everyone the opportunity to be truly informed. Read the bill for yourself and decide: . Would you feel a similar bill in Utah would be a positive or negative thing? Or, would solutions such as stronger penalties for businesses who give jobs to undocumented workers be better? Or, should Utah's legislators focus first on taking away programs offered that give perks to illegal immigrants? There are a number of topics to debate, but what is your opinion of this bill?

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